Renfert GEO Snow White

Renfert GEO Snow White




The wax-up waxes (GEO Snow-white opaque and GEO Snow-white transparent) provide assistance in both functional and aesthetic planning for dental restorations.

They are employed on diagnostic models or on master models in the articulator on a variety of framework types (metal, all-porcelain, etc.). Either white or tooth coloured modelling wax is employed for these applications.

White wax-ups are particularly well suited for demonstrating the final dental work to the patient. The wax colour is significantly closer to that of the final facing than is the case with conventional modelling waxes. This offers the patient a very concrete idea of the appearance of the final restoration.

Even in very thin layers, the opaque wax provides excellent masking power - something which is vital on a metal frame. Aside from the traditional production of wax-ups, the primary application area for the wax is wax-veneers of secondary telescopes.

Description Colour Art. No.

GEO Snow-white, 75 g opaque R499-0101